I know all my posts sound like I'm some whiney bitch, honestly I'm not all the time. Promise!
Before I complain about how hard everything is at the moment, I'll recap on how good things have been. Best friend's birthday, various birthday shindigs, seeing Rihanna at the O2 and on the TUBE, seeing my best friends and making actual time for one another, getting on the with boy well, weekly meetings of the two blondes and curley, seeing family from the other side of the world, etc.
Everything has been good. Well, has been good outside of school hours. I'm struggling with school, if it wasn't bad enough UCAS being rammed down my throat yet again, I then find out my teacher has fucked up one of my predicted grades - meaning - that universities won't even look at me if I'm predicted grades aren't right. AAAAAAAAH.
Just want to run away, I'm far too young for these life changing decisions...
Missed blogging, but been so busy it's really the last thing on my mind. Sadly.
Come on half term, almost there!
Hope everything is better with all of you, or if you feel the same please someone tell me it's not just me.
What would I do without my friends and the boy to help me? Seriously.
Till I blog again...
Have a good one.
B x
“In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life: it goes on.”
― Robert Frost