Thursday, 10 March 2011

Sick of all the insincere, so I’m gonna give all my secrets away...

Yes, result day finally came and has now nearly gone (thank God!) - and yes, the results went as planned, not overly well haha, but my AMAZING business teacher was so sweet about everything and said all the typical terms of endearment and for us not to worry about it etc. So i shan't, well not for a while anyway... 

This week has actually gone rather fast, faster then i thought as I've been looking forward to tomorrow evening and Saturday SO much. Eeeek, cannot wait. Although i do this a lot, really really look forward to something and then BAM it's an anticlimax, but i have faith that this shan't be happening... Of all weekends not this one. It's gonna be tough to beat last weekend also - but we shall see

I've spent the majority of the night burning various CDs for my good friend, such a compliment when people enjoy the same music as you and then want you to share your music with them. Music has helped me beyond belief now thinking about it, music to make you cry through hard times, music to make you laugh, music hold so many memories and certain songs manage to trigger them off - i love it! Remembering who you were with, where you were, when you were there, why you were there... Without music in the last 5 months i think i would of collapsed in a humongous heap, even though artists don't always experience the experiences they talk about in their songs, sometimes
it's nice to listen to a song that seems to describe the pain that you're going through - genuine or not. 

I've also come to the conclusion feeling not good enough is possibly the worst thing in the world, i've been feeling that so much recently that i can't even comprehend how i feel in words to myself, let alone other people. I hate how nothing goes how we want, i know that sometimes it's fun living on edge and not sticking to the plan etc. etc. but i wish for once everything would work out. *big sigh*... So, Lily Allen has managed to put how i feel (well as much as one can) into a song.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my big sister :) - i love birthdays, especially for people you love loads! Hehe. 

 Hope you had a good one. 

B x 

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