Saturday, 14 May 2011

She mentioned something about it being for the best. And I can't say, I disagree, and its killing me.

Day 01 - Your favourite film
Day 02 — A song that makes you happy
Day 03 — Your favourite food
Day 04 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 05 — Your day, in great detail
Day 06 — Your favourite television program
Day 07 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 08 — Your favourite book
Day 09 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 10 — A hobby of yours
Day 11 — Your favourite song
Day 12 — An art piece
Day 13 — Your family
Day 14 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 15 — Your favourite actress
Day 16 — A recipe
Day 17 — Your favourite possession
Day 18 — A website
Day 19 — A song that makes you want to dance
Day 20 — Your favourite quote
Day 21 — A non-fiction book
Day 22 — Your favourite memory
Day 23 — A photo you took
Day 24 — What you can see from your window
Day 25 — A talent of yours
Day 26 — Your favourite actor
Day 27 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 28 — A fiction book
Day 29 — What you wore today
Day 30 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next year

Part of me feelings like I'm cheating this system of days, but alas, if it wasn't for these exams I would be blogging every single day! 

A hobby of mine, I absolutely LOVE reading. Like I said in my previous post I unfortunately haven't been able to read a lot, due to other commitments and what not. But as soon as these exams are over I'm gonna get back into it. I am also a sucker for a good ol' horse ride. But yeah, I realised I don't actually do a lot haha. Social events always seem to be the top of my agenda! 

My favourite song, once again, I had to battle against various songs to come to my conclusion. Such as Wonderwall - Oasis (and Ryan Adams), Corinne Bailey Rae - Just Like A Star, various Ed Sheeran songs (AMAZING MUSIC if you haven't heard of him YouTube him), Biggest Mistake - Ellie Goulding, Until The End Of Time LIVE - Justin Timberlake... The list goes on. So I've narrowed it down to my favourite two. Which I'm quite impressed with.

1. Covered In Rain - John Mayer
The song is said to be about New York after 9/11 - an event that I do hold really close to my heart. But regardless of that, I enjoy all of John Mayer's music, he is a beautiful singer and guitarist as you can tell from the video. I can listen to this song over and over, and never get sick of it. Mission before I die is to see him live!!

2. Nicest Thing - Kate Nash

Now, I know this song should probably go in the song that makes me cry list. But it is such a well written and touching song, a song I think nearly all girls can relate to. It's gratifying to know that it isn't just you who feels like this. Kate Nash writes such good songs with poignant lyrics, after watching her last year I definitely have fallen under her spell. Not to mention LOVING her fashion sense.

Revision is doing my head in and the fact I have the attention span of a squirrel really isn't in my favour. So hopefully I'm be able to get some focus or have a really easy paper. Or both? Maybe the easy paper is wishful thinking? Meh. So much to do, living for the 27th May! So soon. Hopefully I will be able to soldier on until then, failing in so much at the moment it's depressing. FML. Stupid exams, why can't they be oral exams? Blah to this. Good luck to everyone, doubt most of you will need it mind you... 

Hope you have a good one. 

B x

PS. The title Nicest Thing - Kate Nash won't go in line, for all those who have OCD about that SORRY. It's irritating me too, I tried everything! AAAAAH. 

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