Friday, 3 June 2011

Why am I still waiting? Cause while you decide. I'm f*cking suffocating.

Day 01 - Your favourite film
Day 02 — A song that makes you happy
Day 03 — Your favourite food
Day 04 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 05 — Your day, in great detail
Day 06 — Your favourite television program
Day 07 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 08 — Your favourite book
Day 09 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 10 — A hobby of yours
Day 11 — Your favourite song
Day 12 — An art piece
Day 13 — Your family
Day 14 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 15 — Your favourite actress
Day 16 — A recipe
Day 17 — Your favourite possession
Day 18 — A website
Day 19 — A song that makes you want to dance
Day 20 — Your favourite quote
Day 21 — A non-fiction book
Day 22 — Your favourite memory
Day 23 — A photo you took
Day 24 — What you can see from your window
Day 25 — A talent of yours
Day 26 — Your favourite actor
Day 27 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 28 — A fiction book
Day 29 — What you wore today
Day 30 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next year

What a silly question, my favourite memory. I have so many that stand out such as, jumping out of a moving bicycle taxi, in Piccadilly with three very drunken friends. Getting really over excited one Christmas when I was about seven, and then aggressively biting my sister's arm and making her bleed/cry. Such good memories from every holiday I've been on particularly our girls "tennis tour" trip to Portugal. Not forgetting nearly ever Camden Locks trip in the summer-time. Ah eeeek. 

A photo I took... Of the gorgeous Steve Jones, T4 presenter. Saw him at V-fest last year, so exciting. Apart from he comes across as an arrogant ar*e if I'm honest. But he's so good-looking it's almost acceptable. He even smiled for the photo! Can't wait for V-fest this summer! 

What can I see from my window, well - I wasn't sure whether to take a photo from what I see from my London window. Or my "country" house window. So I didn't take one from either, as it's rather a boring sight. Either fields or the river Thames. Meh. 

Has been a hectic couple of days. Had the fourth of June, at Eton - which definitely did NOT live up to my expectations. Although it was so nice to see everyone and have a brief catch up. And it was sunny for ONCE, as I came home sunburnt, drunk, tired, smelling of champagne (better then beer I must say) and in a very confused mood. 

Then have been in London for the past two days, was good to catch up with friends there too. Had such a fantastic night with some very close friends. It's amazing how time passes so quickly when you're having a good time, and how much you forget you enjoy certain peoples company. Especially with the amount of champagne which was consumed last night. 5 bottles between 4 of us. Never a good combo! I am now very much paying for my half term antics. Feeling rotten due to not enough down-time I think, but it's been worth it. If only I could be ill on Sunday... Not in half term! ARGH not fair. 

Work tomorrow, ahhhhhh no. Having to walk down Eton high street in my teeny weeny white shorts, which show 40% of my ar*e. Not to mention my pasty white legs too! Attractive. Why do I have to be Swedish? Why not Italian or Spanish? Something with a nice skin tone. 

Anyway, hope you've all had a good week. 

Have a good one. 

B x

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