Sunday, 13 February 2011

The worst things in life come free to us.

Aaah, what a weekend. I am now paying the price from the night before, no not a hangover before you jump to conclusions, sleep deprivation! I had such a top night - filled with lots of; dancing, talking, laughing and drinking with such an awesome bunch of people. Hehe. Another awesome element of last night was the fact i bumped into quite a few people i hadn''t seen in agesssss. Love that feeling when you see someone you haven't for such a long time, and by the end of the evening it feels like you've never been apart. 

I really cannot be bothered for school, much too tired and the thought of being at school on valentines day fills me with dread with all the cute couples that will surround me. Blah. Although things are looking up, there will be a cake sale, which always makes me really content for the rest of the day. I don't get valentines, if you love someone surely show them all the time? Instead of just on a particular day?! Hmmm... Maybe i don't get it 'cos I'm single? I just think of it as a clever marketing ploy? Haha, cynical some may say, yes. 

Another thing which I'm so happy about is that Pocahontas is now showing on channel 5, one of my favourite Disney films but Peter Pan has to be number 1, closely followed by Alice in Wonderland - then Pocahontas. 

He was unique. He was eccentric. He was controversial. And a year after his death, he is far from forgotten. Alexander McQueen was known for his effortless ability to leave his audiences wide-eyed, in a state of subdued trepidation and uneasy anticipation as to what was about to manifest before them on the catwalk in each and everyone one of his shows. On 11th February 2010, Alexander McQueen's body was found in his flat in Mayfair, London - so i thought that i would tribute a section of my blog to one of fashion's greatest assets. And although McQueen is sadly no longer with us, Sarah Burton has been left to tend to the very much alive legacy, and there's no doubt that she'll do him and what he stood for, truly proud.

I found my shoes that i want, i am desperate to have them. I really should start saving up, but i am a terrible saver - if i have money i spend it! My new years resolution to save more has really gone out of the window, so I'm trying to change this! Ah why are things so expensive sometimes? I think the quote "champagne taste with beer money" seems to sum up my predicament very well! Apart from i had money, but spent it, mostly on food. 

Aren't they prettyful? My friend Sammy has them... Aaah, if only we were the same size shoe. 

Hope you all had as good as weekend as i did, and for all those on half term next week, I HATE YOU ALL. 

Have a good one. 

B x

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