Sunday, 6 February 2011

You're using your headphones to drown out your mind.

Nomnomnom it's official, I had one of the best breakfasts I've ever had this morning! Ah wow. Was a much needed one after the evening I had - usually every other Saturday I go to my friends house we have a small dinner party consisting of the same people, it sounds like it would be boring doing the same thing with the same people every other week, but I can tell you it's the furthest thing from boring!! You know that feeling you get in your tummy when you've been laughing so much and then you try to pull yourself back together but it takes one person to start smirking or laughing again to set everyone off again it was like that, for the best part of 30minutes! The boys decided to cook us supper this week, however, us girls started the cooking process for them - we boiled the water for the pasta and went out and bought the pesto so it was a team effort if we're all honest. Desert was then provided by the girls a very delicious and calorie filled banoffee cake, was so worth it though! 

I also came to the conclusion last night that, all you need is good company to put you in a good mood, no matter how you may be feeling at the beginning of the evening it is almost unquestionable that you'll end on a high. The problem is when you're then alone that you have more time to think about things and reflect on stuff, during this stage of reflection I also came to the conclusion that the worst feeling is the feeling of replacement. It is a horrible and degrading feeling, one of which I appear to be feeling now, due to friendships and a boy (yes, however much I hate to say). One that I cannot seem to shake off, that I wish so much that I could. So the solution I have now thought of is that I shall try not to spend too much time alone and too much timing thinking. Haha. 

I'm now awfully tired because of the chiming of the Eton College chapel, so I'm going to try and attempt to finish my monstrous pile of work and then a hot bath, early to bed tonight. Blah to going back to school... I'm going to try and milk my ear infection with the mother. Hehe.

Oh and finally, look at this photo, if windows of shops and adverts weren't enough, they're now advertising valentines day on CUPCAKES. Jesus Christ, it shall be a depressing day for all of us singletons. *sigh* we shall soldier on together - which also raises the question why isn't there a single day? Hmmm. An idea we should put forward... Anyway hope you all had a good weekend and I shall keep you updated on the week's current affairs. 

Have a good one. 

B x

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