Wednesday 2 November 2011

But believe I remember it all.

Yes, that's right I'm now an adult! WOOHOO.

I know it sounds ridiculous but when I was younger I never thought I'd make it to 18. Am I the only one who thought that? I can't quite get my head round it - I'm a proper grown up, well on paper maybe. Hehe. I had such a fantastic day, a big thank you to everyone who contributed to my day - even if it was just by a text. Birthdays are so lovely, a time to make you feel loved and appreciated, even if it's not sincere. It's nice sometimes to pretend. 

Now, down to busy - UCAS is a bitch, options are even worse, the amount of things I need to do before Christmas is a joke! But, hopefully I'll be able to do it. Finger cross. Have faith me in, as I have hardly any in myself! I just can't wait for this time next year, the stress of all of this will be gone. Yes, granted I'll have a different type of stress probably - but this is making me go insane. 

I've been listening to Drake's - Club Paradise religiously this and last week. Didn't realise how much I like it, the lyrics seem appropriate for life at the moment, "It’s crazy all the emotions forgot in a year" - When I think about last year, or even the year before, I never thought things would be like this. Losing contact with people I thought I wouldn't and yes I know life gets in the way, but a little text or letter wouldn't go a miss. You can't say I haven't tried. But you know what, what's the point anymore? We've all got bigger fish to fry... 

Cannot wait for Snow Patrol's new album to come out on 17th! Aaaah. Love love love them. I've missed them. Even though a lot of their music is quite depressive. I like depressive if you haven't already guessed. Haha. 

LOVE YOU I.S - luncheon soon please? 

Life goes on... Right?

Off to do some work now. Argh. Please someone give me some reassurance. 

Have a good one. 

B x

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