Wednesday 30 November 2011

Lipstick on the glass.

Well, I haven't blogged for ages! Sad times. But I think you'll be pleased to know - I don't have much to complain about. Hehe. Makes a change, doesn't it?

Everything is kinda like, smooth runnings currently. I've got three offers from UCAS so far, all of which I am estatic about!! Got both my first two choices - but then again it's not just getting offers it's the grades I need to get there. Ah just, a relief that somewhere wants me. 

I'm just feeling well, happy, content, satisfied at the moment. Regardless of some of the drama going on in other parts of my life, but they somehow seem to be irrelevant to me generally. I think I've come to the conclusion, no matter how hard you try to make things work, or how badly you want something, doesn't mean you're gonna get it, or that someone wants the same as you. Sad realisation yes, but I wish I had make this realisation earlier, would have saved on the mess it made. People fuck about, plain and simple, people fuck you up, plain and simple, but then at the end of the day it takes YOU to stand up and walk away. For you to decide what you want to happen, be in control. 

So that's exactly what I've done, become the bigger person. I realised I stressed and worried about things that, yeah I could have done something about, but I didn't and subconsciously I knew what I was doing. So I'm done. Hopefully I've made the right choice, only time will tell... 

Ah this philosophy essay is so long, so much to do. The ontological argument is ah, effort, why did I choose this subject? So hard. Makes me think too much! So Drake is helping me through, gosh my blog is basically a Drake shrine. Haha. 

I'm not even gonna start on Christmas. All I have to say is - WAY TOO SOON. 

Hope you're all well. 

Have a good one. 

B x

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