Saturday 17 September 2011

And I know you love Shrek, cause we've watched it 12 times. And maybe we're hoping for a fairytale too?

Here I am. Haven't blogged for ages. Come to think of it, I haven't done anything I like for ages really. Been so busy, year 13 is so intense. So hard. Not coping too well at the moment. Am currently writing my drama notes and thinking about re-takes, making me want to cry. Moral of the story, I should have worked my f*cking ars* off to year 12... But what's done is done now. Argh. 

So my life, hmmmm. It's yeah, not very exciting. Currently thinking about last nights antics, a very good friend of mine had her 18th birthday party, got a little out of hand in places. But was a very good night overall. The outcome of the night - relationships are so hard. Like WOW. I always knew they were, first hand and through others, but I swear they just seem to get harder and harder the older you become. There is only so much you can give to another person, right? This is when you need to be with someone who is similar to you, not someone who is opposite. Whoever said opposites attract was chatting actual sh*t - seriously. 
History always effects the future, no matter how hard you try. So sometimes your relationship is doomed from the beginning, even though you hope it's not. Sometime the best thing you can do is try and if it doesn't change at least you can put your hand on your heart and say "I tried with all I had!" - rather then letting the relationship collapse in front of you. End it on a high, right? Easier said then done. 

Am absolutely shattered, went to bed at some ungodly hour, then went to the gym. Bad move B! Ah. So am going to try and finish these notes, then tidy my room and sleep. Can't wait to get into my bed (with my puppy), I have an unhealthy relationship with it. 

Just think - what were thinks like this time last year?... Scary to think hey, so much has changed. But as the year goes on it feels like nothing is changing. So, do you miss this time last year? Interesting isn't it. So, what's this time next year going to be like? Exciting. 

Off to finish my work. Gave my blog a revamp again! Hehe. 

Have a good one. 

B x

PS. Ed Sheeran's album + is the most amazing thing ever. Give Lego House and Kiss Me a listen to, makes me teary eyed! I know I'm a sap. Enjoyyyyy. x

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