Thursday 12 January 2012

I'm too proud, for love.

Today, well, I went into melt down. Literally was on the verge of crying, and I'm NOT crier by any means!! School, exams and ulcers are getting way too much for me at the moment. I think it's the shock of going back to school, but my boy and best friends did come to the rescue, and scoop me up.

I'm kinda stuck on what to write today, apart from the usual - stressing with school, uni, my life etc. But you hear that all the time and have usually heard my rants before...

I saw one of my best friends for dinner last night, helping her with the typical teenage girl dilemmas of, boys! We talked about all sorts, their minds games, their ability to have a hold on you, how there is always one who can - in the words of Adele, melt your heart to stone. I wonder whether girls have the same affect? I'd like to think it's not all a one way street, never can tell. The thing I hate about giving advice, is that people don't always take it. I'm not saying I'm a guru or that people HAVE to take my advice, I'm saying that people don't really need advice, you know deep down what you should do. Best friends just need to sometimes tell you and back you up, confirm those thoughts. What I hate is when that person knows that you're right, but they don't do it. Or make up excuses of why they won't do it. Mmmm, frustrating. Everyone is just scared, scared to lose out or to mess up, no one wants to take risks, but sometimes the gain is so spectacular, so amazing, so more then worth it, they risk not having that.

Anyway, I've got a new song for you, I love it. Love the lyrics. Love her. And she's done a remix with DRAKE! Could it be any better? Hope you like it.

Right, off for a bath, bowl of soup and my trusty business studies books. Yay, loving life! Cannot wait for this month to be over... COME ON 28th! Good luck anyone else who has exams.

Have a good one.

B x

I think I'm a little bit, little bit. A little bit in love with you, but only if you're a little bit, in lalalala love with me.

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