Saturday 14 January 2012

Jealousy is nothing more than a fear of abandonment.

I hate technology, once again my phone has packed up. Part of me wished that things such as phones, laptops, the internet etc. hadn't been created, I think life would be much simpler. I realised today that things get so twisted and miscommunicated when you talk via email, facebook, text... Something meant in a light-hearted, harmless way can be completely distorted. Even a simple, "okay" or "no" can cause someone to feel stung or offended, it's strange isn't it? How the tone of someones voice changes everything. I am a complete sucker for this, I am a sensitive person, so suffer from this quite a lot. I always read deeply into things, and usually find myself getting upset or wound up by something someone meant in a playful or jokey way.

Another reason why I hate technology is it replaced one of my favourite things, hand-written letters. I absolutely LOVE them, I have many that I have collected and saved over the years. There is something so personal, that makes you feel so special when you receive a hand-written letter, the sheer effort and time that's gone into it, makes you feel so, important.

I feel a bit, mmmm, funny today. My ulcers still haven't gone and are burdening me with such pain, I could cry. The revision fell flat on its face today, again. So overall, hasn't been a winning day, but Angus & Julia Stone are making my mood change from one of sadness to one of mellowness. Can't wait for all of this to be over, only 158days till I finish school forever. Sounds like a long way away, but also sounds so soon too.

My favourite quote at the moment, one of my best friends said it to me today - "you only realise how good your memory is when you have something you need to forget." Interesting isn't it?...

Anyway, off to make myself a cup of tea and to get into bed with my revision books, and my puppies. Love spending my Saturday nights like this.

Have a good one.

B x

I'll taste the devil's tears, drink from his soul, but I'll never give up you.

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