Thursday 21 July 2011

There's always that one person that will always have your heart. You never see it coming cause you're blinded from the start.

I WATCHED HARRY POTTER, and it was amazing, absolutely amazing. But I'm so saddened that Harry Potter is no more. *big sigh*

What is going on with the weather? I cannot wait to be disappearing soon from England, to have a much deserved holiday to Portugal. Where my day will be consisting of laying on a sunbed till sunset. Eeeep. The thought now makes me so excited!! 

Don't you love going on holiday? Who doesn't? It's so nice to get away from all the problems and dilemmas of home, everyday life. Makes you feel missed when you get home and people tell you they've missed you etc. Going on holiday gives you time, time to do whatever you want to do, when you want to do it, with the people you want to do it with. Ah. I keep getting little waves of excitement. Not long now. 

Don't you hate it when you manage to upset yourself. Like, when you play mind games with yourself. Make yourself think about things that are bound to effect your mood or how you view a situation, and not in a good way. You replay a past event or think about a past conversation which then, in return taints how you feel. Do you ever miss the past? Blahhh. I don't think it helps that I feel quite poorly today either. And the fact work was a nightmare, sale time is NOT fun. So much mess. Aaaah. 

So to feel better I'm in bed, having a hot chocolate watching good ol' CSI. An early night is what I need I think. Or my holiday? 

Another think to add to my summer excitement is that my Alexander McQueen sunglasses arrived today <3 can't wait to wear them in the sun. I'll upload a photo ASAP.

Hope summer is treating you all well. 

B x 

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