Tuesday 16 August 2011

Well I'm stuck in rewind, though I'm looking forward, Damn. I wish I knew what went wrong?!

I know I always sound like I'm ill, but this time. I am genuinely ill. After just about getting over my chest infection and BAM I have the sorest throat in the world. I should probably stop smoking, as this obviously would make me feel better. But ah, if smoking is the only bad thing I do, then I think I'm doing well. Right? 

After reactivating my twitter account, I am now becoming obsessed... Love it! Feel like it's my mini blog which I update throughout the day. Not to mention having the app on my iPhone I update it all the time and check it 24/7... 

Blah to everything and everyone at the moment. I've really made a conscious effort to try and put things right recently, but I'm feeling like they're all just being thrown back in my face. I really try to be a positive person, but there is only so much positivity one person can have. Especially when I feel like so many people are trying to drag me down and damper my mood. Makes you realise that people always want you to be as unhappy, if not more unhappy then themselves. Just to make them feel better. Pissing me off so much. Somewhere, someone would KILL for your life!! I know everyone has been, is on, a different journey. And I've always been taught to not be judgemental in the slightest. But sometimes it's like AH get a grip stop feeling sorry for yourself and realise others have it so much worse then you, or I. Yes I know everyone has a tendency and a relapse to feel sorry for themselves, but seriously. Don't dwell it makes your own life so much worse...

Everything has just been an anti-climax since I've been back from my amazing holiday. Depressing me even more. *big sigh* - I know I'm now feeling sorry for myself... 

I'm so bummed that summer is basically over, so much I wanted to accomplish before school. And I've done minimal... I'm gonna try and add a few ticks to my list. I'll blog it when summer is over. 

Gave my blog a girlie makeover, hope you like it! Hehe

VFEST in 3days... Am so excited I could pee my pants. Going to be an spectacular end to summer '11. Eeeep

I've re-found my love for Jagged Edge, so weird. I've added some of their music to my hypster. So enjoy if you like them, or click next haha

Hope you have a good one. 

B x

(I'm not mentioning the disaster of a day which will be RESULTS! That grace us all on Thursday - GOOD LUCK everyone!)

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